Hortencia S. / Your experience doesn't determine what you can accomplish
Hortencia recalls her time in the system and the challenges she faced. In the foster care system prior to being placed with her biological grandparents was unstable housing. Growing up in the foster care system, she never knew where her and her four siblings would end up. She was always worried because she didn't want to be separated from them. She was the oldest child of 5 and she felt that she had to care for them since her biological mother couldn't.
Navigating the foster care system, she went through alot emotionally when she was in foster care system. She often wondered why my siblings and she had to experience this. She would always ask herself if she was even loved by anyone because it almost felt like she was thrown out into the world to figure it out on her own. Yet, she wasn't even old enough to do so. All she knew is that she had to push through her struggles and help her siblings as much as she could. They were her purpose and she knew that one day all of pain she was going through would be over.
Reflecting on her experience, she shed light on the constant barriers she faced in the system and how it was for her transitioning.
" I honestly wish the people around me who knew my situation wouldn't be quick to judge."
She says, expressing frustration of being misunderstood, she was raised in a traditional household and people assumed that she would be a trouble kid . Things changed for her when she got with her grandmother after. Her grandmother did the most that she could at her age. Her grandmother was about 60 when her and her siblings moved in with her. She always attended any school activities she had and even would accompany her to her first few counselor meetings when she was in her first year of community college. She always was present and encouraging. Hortencia never felt alone when she ended up in her care.
In the realm of education, Her transition into community college was tough. She didn't know how to apply for colleges, what to expect, or even know how to pay for college. Luckily for her, her grandma had mentioned to one of the counselors at her high school that she had plans to attend community college but that no one in her family would be able to help her through that process. So, the counselor eventually found out that she was in the foster care system and she was able to provide her with as much resources as she could. Any college fairs/presentations that were happening locally she would find out of because of that counselor. She grateful for that because being a first-gen student with limited resources was difficult.
As she reflects on her foster care journey, she identifies comfort in activities. Spending time with siblings, going to high school football games, being in yearbook: capturing fun school events, being creative, and making friends.
She is most proud of the fact that she received a master's degree and she now working for a program that supports former foster youth in their transition into the university. She feel that she is able to relate and support students who share a similar background as her. Now, as a beacon of strength, she shares advice with those currently in foster care, emphasizing love and care.
"Never give up on your dreams and remember that everything you are going through is temporary. You are loved and there are people out there who truly care about your success."
Looking towards the future, Hortencia see’s herself purchasing her first home, advancing in her career and continue to support first-gen/former foster youth students). She envison herself starting a family of her own. She wants to be financially stable and to continue mentoring/helping those students in need.