Julianna H. Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story

Julianna has had many challenges throughout her stay foster care system. One of the most difficult parts of her stay in the system, was being separated from her siblings during probably the most traumatic experience of their lives.

"I never felt like I belonged anywhere. I never unpacked my stuff because I knew I wouldn't be staying long. All the people who supposedly care for us left us not a call not a hi hope,"

Julianna reflects on the challenges of not having that one person to go. She didn’t have someone she know and trust. Someone that whenever she was in a mood sad or happy would be there for her. All she had was a thought of someone, and if you need them there right there. Even someone who calls and says happy birthday, how are you. Just one person who really cares about you, and will make a big difference in your life. Being separated from her siblings was pretty difficult because now they’re strangers. She only met her kids 2 times it destroyed their bond.

Julianna's experience in foster care is colored by the constant moving around and trauma she faced her junior and senior year. She was in over 26 foster homes and 3 group homes, during her junior year. She was on independent study and was doing very well. However she faced many more challenges throughout the process,Julianna was close to her sister and Losing her sister Leah in a car accident traumatized and changed her more then she could imagine.

Throughout her educational journey, Julianna emphasizes the goal of furthering her education and being the best mom she can be to her daughter. She hopes to also have her dream car.

"Don't quit before it's time. God's grace will give you power, to make it to the finished line in his way and time, Amen.'"

She sees education as a important tool for personal growth, encouraging individuals to not give up success is possible.

As Julianna shares her dreams for the future, she is reminded by her faith and what she believes. DON'T GIVE UP!
'Don't give up no matter what you are facing, It's all in the Lord's hands.”

”He is the one who can. In any situation, His grace can turn it around."
”So you can be victorious”
”As His love does abound.”
The beginning and the end “ He knows and all that is between.” So put your total trust in Him, To Him it's all foreseen. “He knows about your struggles, He knows about your pain, Your hardships and your sorrows and he will help you to rise. So don't give up and don't give in” .

Looking back on her foster care experience, Julianna expresses she’s glad she didn’t give up when they kicked her out. Her sister leah months before her death did because they failed them. By giving up on them so easily. Throwing them out and putting them on the streets like they were trash impacted them in a hard way.

Despite the challenges, She is thankful of the system's failures and proving to us we never meant nothing to them. She’s thankful because she didn't give up on herself. She did everything by herself without the help of the so called people who cares about you that collects your money long after they kick you out knowing that she had nothing.

"Don't give up no matter what you are facing, It's all in the Lord's hands.”

Foster Nation