Alina G. / Reach for what seems like the impossible
I believe the biggest challenge I had faced in the foster care system was all of the mean harsh things said and done to me. Comments made and actions done included that I was nothing, that I would end up like my parents. I was abused mentally, physically, and verbally. I have overcome this by using those as motivation. By taking what was done and doing the opposite to better my future.
Changes I would like to see take place are the resources available such as really helping those who are aging out. Also allowing those who's cases closed prior to a certain age more resources. Because of the age they were when their case closed, they were restricted to certain resources they could be eligible for.
Being a foster youth has impacted my determination tremendously. As weird as it may sound, I would not be where I am today if I did not endure what I had. Due to being in the foster system I am furthering my education to give back to foster youth because I can relate to others.
An accomplishment that makes me proud is that I am graduating OCC with two associates, one in Sociology and another in Communication studies. I am transferring to Cal State Fullerton to do Human Services. I see myself graduating from a Master's program and making a difference in foster you and teen parents lives., helping them reach their greatest potential.
My advice is: Never give up hope. You are extremely loved and cared for. You will do great things in life. Be the adult you wish you had in your life as a child. “They tell you to reach for the stars while there are footprints among the moon". Reach for what seems like the impossible.