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Young adults thrive with the support of mentors and champions

And yet we send thousands of foster youth into the real world without the resources, support, or network they need to thrive.

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Our solution


SPARKS (formerly CareerX)

Professional mentorship to empower foster youth with personal & professional tools to be self-sufficient after foster care



Sparks matches you with a dedicated one-on-one coach that will provide guidance and support to help you pursue your personal and professional goals!

Together, you'll build these life and professional foundations: financial literacy, career development, health and wellness, and essential life skills.

When you #JoinTheNation, you will join a community of fellow foster youth and supportive mentors who will be your champions as you look to fulfill your greatest ambitions.

  • — 60 minute virtual sessions

    — 3 virtual sessions per month

    — 6 month commitment

    — Optional events, meetups, and opportunities to connect with your peers

  • — Must have lived experience in the foster care system

    — Between 18-28 years old

    — Application Process: application and program assessment

    — Access to reliable internet for video conference & proficient in Google Hangout, Zoom or other video conference platforms



Foster Nation's Sparks community is unique in both its level of flexibility and structure.

Your role as a coach is to provide one-on-one support to a current/former foster youth, and coach on subjects of financial literacy, career development, health and wellness, and essential life skills.

All you have to do is show up.

We provide a baseline training of what to expect as a coach. With our curriculum & playbook, you can choose how you work with your mentee in a way that best suits your schedule and other life commitments.

#JoinTheNation to connect with current and former foster youth who will inspire you with their strength, resilience, and determination. Our program enables you and your protege to build a lasting, impactful relationship that will change both of your lives for the better.

  • — 60 minute virtual sessions

    — 3 virtual sessions per month

    — 6 month commitment

  • — 21+ years old

    — Must have professional experience

    — Undergo a background check

    — Complete application, pre-assessment, & 2 minute video so we can get to know you!


If 1 in 100 millennials volunteered to mentor, every foster youth that aged out of the system in the last decade will have a mentor with whom they can build a brighter future.


 the problem

Illustration of a small village.

Check out the numbers on our nation's youth that grew up in a family home:


young adults between the ages of 18 and 34 currently reside with their parents


of college graduates in the u.S. Move home for a year or two


is the average american's age of emancipation from the family home


If the average american youth lives at home until 27, how can we expect foster youth to thrive on their own at age 18?


Foster youth age out without the skills or support needed to succeed independently and this is where they end up:


will graduate from college
10x less than the general population


will be unable to pay rent
4x more than the general population


will be convicted of a crime
7x more than the general population

foster youth: portrait of a young man smiling

Why mentorship is the solution



Graphics stating the visible good results of having a mentor
description of graphic