Stats and Sources


In order of appearance, here are all the sources for statistics on the homepage. 

Children's Rights: Fact Sheet on Aging Out

Promise2Kids: Foster Care Facts

Fostering Success in Education: National Factsheet on the Educational Outcomes of Children in Foster Care, January 2014

Children's Law Center of California: Foster Care Facts

Children's Bureau: Numbers and Trends 2016

Why Mentorship? 

In order of appearance, here are all the sources for statistics on the Why Mentorship page.

The Atlantic: Here's Exactly How Many College Graduates Live Back at Home

Children's Rights: Fact Sheet on Aging Out

Why Mentorship Is the Solution: Larose, S., & Tarabulsy, G.M. (2014). Academically At-Risk Students. In DuBois, D.L. & Karcher, M.J. (Eds.), Handbook of Youth Mentoring (303-314). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc.