Naz P. / If you have a dream, start working towards it now.

Naz biggest challenge she faced in foster care was people doubting and obscuring her voice. She overcame it by educating herself in advocacy and how things worked. She also overcame it through self-reflection and mindfulness, understanding that people's actions and opinions do not define her and should not be of her concern..

Navigating the foster care system, one of the most difficult part she faced was the absence of a supportive network, which made navigating life incredibly difficult. Additionally, the instability inherent in foster care made it challenging to establish a sense of stability. Relationships play a significant role in shaping our lives, and the lack of security within these relationships often left me feeling isolated.

She explains how experiences and excursions brought her comfort while she was in foster care. Knowing that there was a world beyond her day-to-day struggles gave her hope that she could achieve anything she wanted. Exploring new places and trying new things provided a sense of adventure and possibility, reminding her that there were endless opportunities awaiting beyond her current circumstances.

"These experiences helped alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty of foster care, offering moments of joy and inspiration to keep me motivated and hopeful for the future.."

She wishes what people understood about her experience in foster care is that the challenge isn't about lack of education or intelligence among foster children. It's often about the difficulty in accessing and processing information due to the traumatic experiences we've endured.

In terms of changes within the foster care system, she would like to see foster children respected and valued. This could be achieved through policy changes that prioritize their voices and involvement in decision-making processes concerning their lives.

She speaks on the barriers she faced in foster care. As a student in foster care, she faced barriers like frequent moves and learning in a mixed-up order. This made it hard to keep up and draw conclusions in school. Despite this, She has managed fine because of her real-life experiences. Having consistent access to resources and support, along with understanding teachers, would have helped her succeed in school even more.

As she reflects on her foster care journey, she encourages others if you have a dream, start working towards it now. She wants them to know waiting only conditions you to delay. Which is makes it harder for you to achieve your goals. Remember, age is just an illusion; don't let it hold you back from pursuing your dreams.

She envision herself continuing to make a meaningful impact through various platforms. She see herself achieving her goal of being featured on NPR radio and other reputable platforms, using her voice to advocate for important issues. Additionally, She see her daughter thriving, living the life she’s always dreamed of providing for her.

"Don’t let people gaslight you. Know that there is a community out there ready to love and support you, even if it takes a bit of effort to find. Take advantage of every resource available to you and prioritize saving your money..."

Furthermore, she visualize herself delivering TED talks and creating content that resonates with and supports young people who are facing challenges similar to those she experienced in her youth. Overall, she see herself continuing to grow, inspire, and making a positive difference in the lives of others.


Sky P. / Persevere through it all and defy those odds.


Brinton R. / What you went through is making you stronger.