Sky P. / Persevere through it all and defy those odds.

"Stop treating us, like we were set up to fail, they can stop judging us and stop talking to us like we were meant to fail.."

Sky reflects on her years spent in foster care system. One of the biggest challenges she faced in the system was feeling like she had been punished for speaking up about my circumstances. She don’t mean to say the homes were all terrible but they were very strict, for example she felt like she couldn’t do high school/teenage activities because if she went then the whole group home had to go. High school for me was a privilege away from the group home that could be taken away because there was always continuation.

"I understand there is a thin line between what foster kids can and can't do in homes but sometimes we just need a car ride or a walk. I would like to see more effort and comforting for any foster youth who is already feeling so hurt and so lost.."

Sky would like to see she would like to see more effort and comforting for any foster youth who is already feeling so hurt and so lost. She would like to see less of being threatened by a 14 day hold because a child messes up. Knowledge yourself on what your getting into, we are not easy we are traumatized and scared so we act out of fear. We are not animals you can not just pick us out and when you realize that this is to much, just put us back. Do not lift are hopes if you have no intention of genuinely trying to work with us. Just be genuine patient, loving and intentional.

" Persevere through it all and defy those odds, do it with a smile on your face and with God backing you up."

When it comes to her experience with her foster parents,foster homes, and what she feel they could have done to better support her. She felt they didn’t understand that she had just come from a group home that was super restricted so when she got the freedom she did. she wanted to do a bunch of things. She wanted to try new things like going out with friends to games, etc .She also believe more effort to communicate, and understand each other is really important. She have to feel that decisions we make, as children we are held against her, but in some positions she just didn't know any better she was protecting herself in the best way that she knew how.

"Everything you don’t understand now you will understand later.."

God, was her first comfort zone. She have this little purple book by Joyce Meyers, and have scriptures based off of feelings that we're having and whenever she felt scared.She always read it, School was her second thing it got her away from the group home. It was somewhere where she actually felt normal sometimes. She had realized that through all her years of school, that her grades barely dropped because she loved being in school. It was the only thing that was stable throughout her life that had become so unstable.

She envision herself as a traveling nurse, who graduated from UCLA with her bachelors. She plan to heal, love and show genuineness that she wished she had received when she was in a time of struggle to all she patience. She will be very successful and stress free

She will be consistently going to church and singing for God because she love singing, In her churches choir right now.


Lidia B. Trust your instincts!


Naz P. / If you have a dream, start working towards it now.